
Maptime 1 - Open Street Map

OpenStreetMap Spring 2015 Mapathon: The Great Outdoors

1) Introduction I Maptime Cape Cod Co-Organizers

2) Introduction II Woods Hole Research Center Overview

3) Conservation Groups Presentations(s) The 300 Committee, others in attendance(?)

4) What is Maptime? (Source: Lyzi Diamond - Mapbox - @lyzidiamond)

5) Introduction to the OpenStreetMap (OSM) FOSS4G (Source: Melelani Sax-Barnett - @pdxmele), Maptime HQ, OSM wiki

6) From OSM OSM 2015 Mapathons - Mapathon Series - the Great Outdoors Events Features related to: Trails, Conservation Areas, biking, fishing, boating, shellfishing, public water access points, etc.

7) Commence armchair mapping

8) Wrap-Up - Possible Topics - Next Meetup Date

9) RSVP every Meetup - Space Limit x Venue

10) Exit Survey - Whiteboard Comments, Please